Women Want To be Cherished
Every woman wants a man who cherishes her. She wants a man that would yearn for her. This gives her a sense of belonging. She wants to be appreciated for what ever she does. She wants a man who can show his appreciation in words and in deeds.
Women want to be Respected
Just as you will want your wife or girlfriend to respect you, that's how she wants to be respected by you. She wants you to talk about her with respect. She is an individual and you must respect that fact.
Women want a Listening Man
In every relationship, women want that listens to them. She wants you to give her audience. Women do not want men that takes decisions without informing them.
Women Want Romantic Men
Yes, they want romantic men. Women want men that turn up their romantic desires. No woman wants a man that is dull when it comes to romance. Especially if she is the type that likes it.. She would seek for romance and when you don`t give her, she ends up getting fed up of you.
Women Wants Men That Understands Them
For me what makes relationships work is understanding. If you don`t understand the needs, like, dislikes and moods of your partner, then I don`t think that relationship can work. In a relationship were understanding is missing, there would be a big gap between the partners.
Women Want Stylish Men
Women wants men that like looking good. It does not really matter whether if you look good. They just want you to dress well. They want men that has a unique and good dressing style.
Women Do Not Like Men That Do Not Smell Good
Just like men women do not like men that has bad smells. Women want their man to smell good. Men, usually tend to perspire more than women leaving behind a bad foul that women cannot stand to take.
Women Want Honest Men
Honesty is one thing that women likes. They want men that are honest. Men that are trustworthy. They like men that tells them the truth regardless of the situation. This would build her trust in you.
These are just some of the things women want from their man. I would advise you adjust to fit into what she really wants.
What Does She Want from Me, Anyway?: Honest Answers to the Questions Men Ask About Women