There are many ways a man can make a girl/woman smile. Most guys find it hard making their girlfriends or even wives smile. A smile can be given and received very easily. It just takes some simple steps and actions.
When you make your girlfriend or wife smile, she will always want to be with you and she will love you more. She`ll see you as a source of joy and happiness and that's what every woman wants. A man who will make her happy; a man who will make her Smile.
So here are some simple ways to make her smile:
Tell her she is BEAUTIFUL.
Telling a girl she is beautiful is the easiest way to make her smile. Some would tell you to stop flattering her. But man, deep inside her she is feeling very happy about it and that would definitely make her smile.
Look her in the eyes an SMILE
When you look her in the eyes passionately and smile, she'll join you and smile. Smiling when looking at her would just lead her into smiling.
Touch her hair gently
If you do this she'll feel relaxed. Touching her in the hair also shows you care. Girls love this.
Introduce her to your friends as your Girlfriend
This would show her you are proud of her, and in the process lead her to smiling.
Call her just to say "hi"
Call her in the middle of the day and tell her you just wanted to say "hi". She'll smile when she hears you say that.
Tell her she is Intelligent
Telling any girl she is intelligent makes her feel happy and keeps her smiling.
Call her before you go to bed and when you wake up
Calling her in the morning to tell her good morning and wishing her a nice day makes her feel you care and makes her smile at the same time. Calling her in the night and telling her you want her voice to be the last voice you'll sleep, makes her feel cherished and adored. Hearing these would surely make her smile.
Smiles to Remember, Frowns to Forget
Sing a love song to her
She'll find it interesting no matter how bad your voice may sound. She will smile at you. Just sing it from your heart. She will enjoy it.
Make her laugh
Say funny things that would make her laugh. But be careful not to keep repeating your jokes. Just be original.
Appreciate her gifts
Collect whatever present she gives you. Tell her you love every gift or present she gives to you. She will be happy you like her present.
Take her to a eatery
Yes, this would surely make her smile. Make her enjoy every minute of it.
Finally, Show and Tell Her You LOVE Her
Always show her love her. Treat her with respect. Don`t feel shy, go ahead and tell her how much you love her. She will appreciate. And this would surely make her smile.
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